Part-Time Work Permit and Full-Time Secondment in Qatar. Secondment in Qatar enables workers to be temporarily assigned to another establishment while keeping their original employer intact. This arrangement can be for full-time or part-time work, depending on the agreement reached by all parties involved. Here’s a comprehensive examination of how the secondment process operates under the oversight of the Ministry of Labour: Part-Time Work Permit and full-time secondment US work permit applications. What is a work permit?
Part-Time Work Permit and Full-Time Secondment.

Step 1: Initiating the Secondment Request.
- New Employer’s Role: A secondment request is sent by the company that wants to send a worker to work for another company. This application has important information like how long the secondment is supposed to last and whether it’s for full-time or part-time work.
- Required Information: The request must clearly state the parameters of the secondment, such as the start and end times, the type of work to be done, and any other conditions or requirements that apply.
Step 2: Obtaining Current Employer’s Approval
- Consent from Current Employer: To execute the secondment, the worker’s current employer must approve the request. This consent is of the utmost importance, as it guarantees the approval of the worker’s initial employer regarding their temporary reassignment to an alternative establishment.
- Documentation: It is customary to obtain formal confirmation from the present employer that they agree with the secondment terms.
Step 3: Ministry of Labour’s Approval
- Submission to the Ministry of Labour: Once the new employer has obtained consent from the worker’s current employer, the secondment request is submitted to the Ministry of Labour for review, accompanied by approval and supporting documentation.
- Ministry’s Supervision: The Ministry of Labour evaluates the secondment request to ascertain its adherence to Qatar’s labour laws and regulations. This evaluation confirms the validity of the secondment requirement and safeguards the employee’s rights throughout the procedure.
Step 4: Issuance of the Secondment Work Permit
- Approval and Issuance: Upon receiving approval of the secondment request, the Ministry of Labour issues a secondment work permit to the employee. This authorization formally grants the employee the right to perform the task for the newly hired employer for the designated period and by the mutually agreed terms.
- Validity: The request for the duration of the secondment determines the validity period of the secondment work certificate. This provision outlines the employees’ impermanent employment arrangement, which enables them to perform their duties for the new organisation while maintaining their official employment status with their previous employer.
Key Considerations:
- Rights and Obligations: All parties must be involved, including the worker, the existing employer, and the new employer. The Ministry of Labour takes the necessary precautions to ensure that the workers’ rights and obligations are adequately recognised and upheld during the secondment period.
- Flexibility and Compliance: The secondment procedure allows employers and employees to engage in flexible, temporary work arrangements while assuring adherence to Qatar’s labour regulations.
- Documentation and Communication: Clear communication and meticulous documentation are essential from the beginning to the end of the secondment process to avoid misunderstandings and guarantee a seamless transition for the worker between different organisations.
Part-Time Work Permit: By providing opportunities for professional growth and operational flexibility, the secondment arrangement in Qatar ensures legal and procedural adherence while establishing a regulated and structured framework that is advantageous to both employees and employers.