
Family Visit Visa in Qatar: Qatar, a country known for its rapid development and rich cultural heritage, attracts people worldwide. Many expatriates working in Qatar wish to bring their family members for a visit, whether for a short vacation or to spend quality time together. Applying for a family visit in Qatar can be daunting, especially for first-timers. This guide provides a detailed step-by-step process to apply for a family visit visa in Qatar, covering everything from eligibility requirements to documentation, application procedures, fees, and tips for a successful application. Visit Visa Qatar family visit.

Understanding the Family Visit Visa in Qatar

What is a Family Visit Visa in Qatar?

A family visit visa in Qatar is a temporary visa that allows expatriates living in Qatar to bring their immediate family members, such as spouses, children, parents, and, in some cases, siblings, to visit them in the country. This visa is usually valid for one month but can be extended for up to six months, depending on the relationship and the purpose of the visit.

Who is Eligible for a Family Visit Visa in Qatar?

To apply for a family visa in Qatar, the sponsor (an expatriate residing in Qatar) must meet specific eligibility criteria. The sponsor must have a valid residence permit (QID—Qatar ID), and their profession must qualify them to sponsor family members. Professionals like engineers, doctors, teachers, and executives are typically eligible to sponsor their families.

The family members eligible for a family visit visa in Qatar include:

  • Spouse
  • Children
  • Parents
  • Siblings (in some cases)

Duration and Extension of the Family Visit Visa in Qatar

The family visa in Qatar is initially granted for one month. However, it can be extended depending on the relationship:

  • Spouse and Children: The visa can be extended up to six months.
  • Parents and In-Laws: The visa can be extended up to three months.

Extensions are granted every month, and the application for an extension must be submitted before the visa expires.\

Family Visit Visa in Qatar
Family Visit Visa in Qatar

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for a Family Visit Visa in Qatar

1. Gather Required Documents

Gathering all the required documents is crucial before starting the application process for a family visit visa in Qatar. Incomplete documentation can lead to delays or even rejection of the visa application. The essential documents include:

  • SponsorSponsor’snts:
    • Copy of valid Qatar ID (QID)
    • Passport copy of the sponsor
    • Copy of employment contract or company NOC (No Objection Certificate)
    • Salary certificate (stamped by the company and issued within the last three months)
    • Copy of tenancy contract (attested by the Municipality)
  • VisitorVisitor’snts:
    • Passport copy of the visitor (must be valid for at least six months)
    • Passport-size photographs of the visitor (as per Qatar visa requirements)
    • Proof of relationship (e.g., marriage certificate for spouse, birth certificate for children)
    • Medical certificate (for extensions beyond three months)

2. Create a Metrash2 Account

Metrash2 is a mobile application provided by the Ministry of Interior (MOI) in Qatar, which allows residents to access various governmental services, including visa applications, through their smartphones. The first step to applying for a family visit in Qatar is to create a Metrash2 account.

  • Steps to Create a Metrash2 Account:
    1. Download the Metrash2 app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
    2. Open the app and select your preferred language (English or Arabic).
    3. Enter your QID number and mobile number.
    4. Verify your mobile number through the OTP (One-Time Password) sent to your phone.
    5. Set up your password and PIN for future logins.

3. Submit the Visa Application Online

Once you have your Metrash2 account set up, you can proceed to submit the family visit visa Qatar application online.

  • Steps to Submit the Visa Application:
    1. Open the Metrash2 app and log in with your QID and password.
    2. Navigate to the “Visa S”services” section”n.
    3. Select “Family” Visit Visa” from “the list of available services.
    4. Choose the relationship of the visitor (e.g., spouse, child, parent).
    5. Upload the required documents, including passport copies, photographs, and proof of relationship.
    6. Review the application details and ensure all information is accurate.
    7. Apply and pay the visa fee using a credit or debit card.

After applying, you will receive a confirmation message, and the status of your application can be tracked through the Metrash2 app.

4. Pay the Visa Fee

The visa fee for a family visit visa in Qatar is QAR 200 per month for each family member. The cost can be paid through the Metrash2 app during the application submission or at any MOI service centre. Ensure you retain the payment receipt as proof.

5. Track the Visa Application Status

You can track the status of your family visit Qatar application through the Metrash2 app or the MOI website. Typically, visa processing takes a few days to a week. You will receive a notification once the visa is approved.

6. Receive the Visa Approval and Print the Visa

Once the visa application is approved, you will receive a notification through Metrash2. You can then log in to the app or the MOI website to download and print the visa. It is essential to have a printed copy of the visa, as it will be required at the point of entry in Qatar.

7. Prepare for the Family’Family’sl in Qatar

With the visa approved, it’s time to prepare for your family members in Qatar. Ensure they have the following documents with them when travelling:

  • Printed visa copy
  • Passport (valid for at least six months)
  • Return ticket (if required)

Upon arrival in Qatar, the visitor must present a copy of the printed visa and undergo a brief immigration check.

Family Visit Visa in Qatar
Family Visit Visa in Qatar

Extending the Family Visit Visa in Qatar

If your family member wishes to stay beyond the initial one-month visa validity, you must apply for an extension. The extension process is straightforward and can be done through the Metrash2 app.

1. Eligibility for Visa Extension

As mentioned earlier, the eligibility for extending the family visit visa to Qatar depends on the relationship:

  • Spouse and Children: Eligible for up to six months extension.
  • Parents and In-Laws: Eligible for up to three months extension.

2. Required Documents for Visa Extension

To apply for a visa extension, you will need the following documents:

  • Copy of the visitorvisitor’srt
  • Medical certificate from an approved Qatari medical centre (if the stay exceeds three months)
  • Copy of the current visa

3. Steps to Apply for Visa Extension

  • Steps to Extend the Visa:
    1. Log in to the Metrash2 app.
    2. Navigate to the “Visa S”services” section”n.
    3. Select “Extend” Visa”, and the family member wishes to extend.
    4. Upload the required documents, including the medical certificate, if needed.
    5. Pay the extension fee (QAR 200 per month).
    6. Submit the extension application.

The extension is usually processed within a few days, and you will receive a notification once it is approved.

Common Challenges and Solutions When Applying for a Family Visit Visa in Qatar

1. Incomplete Documentation

One of the most common reasons for visa application delays or rejections is incomplete documentation. Ensure all required documents are correctly filled out and submitted to avoid this. Double-check the expiration dates on passports and ensure all translations (if needed) are accurate and attested.

2. Delays in Visa Processing

While the visa process is generally quick, sometimes delays can occur. These can be due to holidays, high application volumes, or missing information. Applying well before your planned visit is advisable to avoid any last-minute issues.

3. Issues with Proof of Relationship

Proof of relationship documents like marriage certificates or birth certificates must be attested by the relevant authorities in your home country and the Qatari embassy. The visa application may be rejected if these documents are not correctly attested.

4. Medical Certificate Requirements

A certificate from an approved Qatari medical centre is mandatory for visa extensions beyond three months. Ensure your family member undergoes the medical test soon after arrival to avoid delays in the extension process.

Tips for a Successful Family Visit Visa Application in Qatar

1. Apply Early

The application process for a family visit visa in Qatar can take some time, especially if additional documentation or attestations are required. Apply generously before your planned visit to ensure everything is processed smoothly.

2. Keep All Documents Handy

You may be asked to provide additional documents or information during the application process. Keep all relevant documents, including originals and copies, easily accessible.

3. Use Metrash2 for Updates

The Metrash2 app is your best tool for tracking the status of your visa application and receiving updates. Regularly check the app to stay informed about the progress of your application.

4. Ensure Accurate Information

Any discrepancies in the information provided during the application process can lead to delays or rejections. Double-check all the details before submission, including passport numbers, names, and dates.

5. Prepare for the Visa Extension Process

If your family plans to stay in Qatar beyond the initial one-month period, prepare for the visa extension process in advance. This includes gathering all necessary documents, scheduling medical exams, and setting reminders for extension deadlines. Being proactive can help you avoid the stress of last-minute arrangements.

6. Understand the Visa Rules and Regulations

Qatar’s quarantine rules and regulations can change, and staying updated on the latest requirements for a family visit visa in Qatar is essential. Regularly check the Ministry of Interior (MOI) website or consult with your department to ensure compliance with the current rules.

7. Consult with HR or a Legal Expert if Needed

Suppose you encounter difficulties or have questions about the visa application process. In that case, it may be helpful to consult with your department or seek advice from a legal expert specializing in immigration laws. They can guide complex cases or specific requirements that may apply to your situation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Family Visit Visa in Qatar

1. How long does it take to process a family visit visa in Qatar?

The processing time for a family visit visa in Qatar typically ranges from a few days to a week. However, this can vary depending on factors such as the completeness of the application, the time of year, and the volume of applications being processed. It is advisable to apply as early as possible to avoid delays.

2. Can I apply for a family visit visa for my siblings?

While the family visit visa in Qatar primarily focuses on immediate family members such as spouses, children, and parents, some expatriates may be eligible to apply for a visa for their siblings. Approval for sibling visas can be more stringent, and additional documentation may be required to prove the relationship and the purpose of the visit.

3. Can a family visit visa be converted to a residence visa in Qatar?

Yes, converting a family visit visa in Qatar to a residence visa under certain conditions is possible. The process involves applying for a residence permit (QID) after the family member arrives in Qatar. This conversion is subject to meeting the Ministry of Interior’s requirements, including the sponsor’s ility, the relationship between the sponsor and the visitor, and the availability of supporting documents.4. What happens if the family visit visa expires?

If the family visit visa in Qatar expires without being extended or renewed, the visitor may face fines or penalties for overstaying. The fine for overstaying is QAR 200 per day. Applying for an extension before the visa expires is crucial to avoid legal and financial consequences.

5. Can I simultaneously apply for a family visit visa for more than one family member?

You can simultaneously apply for a family visit visa for multiple family members in Qatar. Each family member’s membership must be submitted individually, and the required documents for each person must be provided. Ensure that all applications are complete and submitted together to facilitate processing.

6. Are there any restrictions on the activities visitors can engage in while on a family visit visa?

Visitors on a family visit visa in Qatar can engage in typical activities such as sightseeing, family gatherings, and leisure activities. However, they are not permitted to work or engage in employment while on a family visit visa. Working without the proper passport or work permit can result in fines, deportation, and a ban from re-entering Qatar.7. What should I do if my visa application is rejected?

If your family visit visa in Qatar application is rejected, the first step is understanding why. Common reasons include incomplete documentation, incorrect information, or failure to meet the eligibility criteria. Once you identify the issue, you can take corrective action and reapply. If necessary, seek advice from an immigration consultant or your HR department to address the problem.


Applying for a family visit visa in Qatar is a multi-step process that requires careful attention to detail and adherence to the guidelines set by the Qatari authorities. Whether you are applying for the first time or extending an existing visa, understanding the requirements, preparing the necessary documents, and following the correct procedures are critical to a successful application.

From gathering the required documents to applying the Metrash2 app, each step must be completed precisely. Staying informed about the latest visa regulations, using the Metrash2 app to track your application, and being proactive about extensions will help ensure your family members can enjoy their visit to Qatar without any complications.

Following this detailed guide, you can confidently obtain a family visit visa in Qatar, bringing your loved ones closer to you in this vibrant and welcoming country.


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